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Letters and Legalities

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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Fri May 17, 2013 4:36 pm

I strip him naked to make sure he can't harm me or any other honest person then send him back the way we came. " If I see you again I will kill you!" (34)

With that we finish up resting for the night ensuring my wounds are treated(23 heal)


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Fri May 17, 2013 5:02 pm

You regain your health the next 2 days as you make the rest of the journey uneventfully. What was once a ruddy youngster out to seek his fortune and glory returns with travelling companions, a veritable weapons and armor shop in tow, and the herald of darker things to come.

"And nobody has a clue." Pondscum sighs beside you. The mayor's daughter had taken to herself over the last day and from time to time you hear muttered curses and the smell of burning hair or clothing, but in your wisdom you decided not to meddle in the ways of hormonal females experimenting with magic.

"Look at them all. Hanging clothes to dry, haggling over the price of food. In a years time, if nothing is to be done, these people will be selling their children for a loaf of bread."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Fri May 17, 2013 5:35 pm

Once in the city I find a nice room where I'm sure that my property won't tampered with. After that is settled I collect the yet unidentified items and locate an enchantrer or magus who can inform me of their properties since the scrying starknife incident I'm Leary of unknown objects.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Sat May 18, 2013 1:57 am

As you are making your way through the merchant's district, you hear a scratchy voice call from an alleyway. "heey boy, what ya got there? I know some people who give some goo-" the voice is interrupted by raccous coughing. the poor creature retreats into the alley a few feet to cover his embarassment.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Sat May 18, 2013 1:26 pm

Curious about this odd behavior I yell at the retreating creature "come here, what do you want?" (29 sense motive) [should have used that for the thugs]


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Sat May 18, 2013 1:29 pm

(you feel like this guy might be up to no good) "I know some people who would give some good coin for all that lot of stuff. What do you say?" The creature stays back in the shadows of the alleyway.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Sat May 18, 2013 5:38 pm

"Why would I trust an individual who seems as shady as you? I'm liable to report you too the city watch before I meet anybody you might be associated with!"(35 intimidate)


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Sat May 18, 2013 6:05 pm

People are beginning to look at you strangely as you're yelling into a side alley. The creature looks around nervously and says, "Shh, not so loud! What about just me then, I'll buy some of that if I can look at it. What am I going to do to you? I'm old and sick, just trying to make some money for the doctors."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Sat May 18, 2013 6:35 pm

I look over too pondscum and tell him "keep an eye on this guy will you."
Then move closer to the alley so that I don't have to yell at him to communicate. "You can steal. And I've had enough trouble with poeple who think they can rob me. What makes you different


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Sat May 18, 2013 8:38 pm

"Rob you? That's not why I'm here."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Sat May 18, 2013 8:50 pm

"Then why are you here, you must forgive me for being weary of your presence and lack of trust in your word."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Sat May 18, 2013 9:01 pm

"I told you, I saw your load of goods and was hoping to buy some to resale."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Sat May 18, 2013 9:28 pm

"I will not be willing to sell anything until I've gathered more information." With that I leave him behind


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Sun May 19, 2013 12:02 am

When you find someone to identify the items for you, you realize you are carrying the following:

Non-magical jewelry, armor, and weapons worth 970g
Ring of Spell Knowledge I (sell value: 750g)
Ring of Protection +1 (1000g)
Necklace of Fireballs (825)
Muleback cords (500g)
Flaming Morningstar (2600g)
+1 Lance (1250g)
Huntsman Greatsword (2400g)
Bolstering Wooden Armor (1122g)
+1 Armored Coat (734g)
+1 Chainmail (726g)
Belt of Incredible Dexterity
Potion of Lesser Restoration
Potion of Invisibility
4x Potion of Lure Light Wounds

As you're listening to each items description being rattles off, you cant help but notice your companions' eyes getting wider and wider. But when the mage doing the identifying got to the belt of dexterity, even his eyes got big. Without a word he quietly hands it back to you. In response to your questioning gaze he merely says, "It told me to," and keeps identifying the rest of your loot.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Sun May 19, 2013 1:02 am

"What do you mean 'it told you too'?" I ask with a sinking suspicion.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Sun May 19, 2013 1:28 am

I also waste no time equipping the two rings the necklace and the muleback cords while offering my companions their pick of the weapons and armor.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Sun May 19, 2013 3:11 am

"It said it likes how you do business. I've only come across such items before very rarely. You have made a good find, wherever you got this. It wasn't illegal was it?"

The Mayor's daughter, who you learned was named Shirin, sniffs disdainfully at the armor, but picks up the morningstar and giggles a little as a single flame climbs from the handle and divides into a tiny spark for each spike on the head. Pondscum grabs the chainmail and swaps it out with what he's currently wearing.

Which leaves 6476g left after you sell everything else. After dividing it with your party you each take 2158g 6s 7c

[DM's knowledge: the belt is not a bad thing]


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Sun May 19, 2013 7:12 am

I strap on the belt and collect the coin. [assuming type I fireball and +2 dex]. I thank the Mage for his help then inform pondscum and shirin that I mean to find the man who Got me started on this journey [forgot his name]. They can follow me or meet me back at the inn. Their choice.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Sun May 19, 2013 4:08 pm

Pondscum and Shirin take off to search for neat ways to spend their new fortunes, and the enchanter points out the way to the adventurer's guild.

As you strap on the belt you hear a voice say, "Why hello there, its good to meet you. The last guy was a bit of a tool. My name's Saren."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Sun May 19, 2013 4:30 pm

"Umm hello?" I say aloud unsure of who or what I'm talking too"...Saren"


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Sun May 19, 2013 5:52 pm

"you don't have to speak out loud. As long as you have e equipped we should be able to communicate telepathically.

"Well you know my name, I was made by a wizard a long time ago, I don't remember his name though. I've been through many owners over the years. The last guy was not too bright though, as you can tell since he was robbed by those brigands that you so deftly took care of.

"So where are we going? what are you doing in the wide world? I'm hungry for some new adventures!" You can practically feel your new belt wriggling with excitement.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Sun May 19, 2013 6:09 pm

In shock and a bit of excitement at having stumbled upon an intelligent item I convey all that has happened thus far. After a bit I realize I'm still standing in the shop with a dumb look on my face, so I leave to find the adventure guild while filling the belt in on my travels.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Sun May 19, 2013 10:18 pm

When you finally finish your tale, the belt is silent for a moment. But not for long. "Woo hoo! This sounds like it's going to be awesome! Well except for the people dying part... and dark powers rising from the depths of hell to kill or enslave us surface dwellers... and the fact that I'm going to see a lot of things I wish I hadn't... But besides all that, this is going to be a grand adventure! Where are we going?"

As the words left the now speaking belt's ... mouth?... you arrive at the adventurer's guild. The place is as lifeless as ever, but the front door is unlocked so you walk in and look around for Guildmaster Carl. You find him in the back with some of the other old timers.

"Yeah? what do you want? Oh its you, took you forever up at last stop, what happened?"


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Sun May 19, 2013 10:22 pm

"That's a long tail, read this and ill answer what questions I can." I hand him the letter the magus gave me.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 4 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Mon May 20, 2013 9:58 am

The old man scanns the letter quickly and grunts from time to time as particularly troublesome bits pop out at him. Otherwise he hardly moves a muscle. "Rough stuff this is." he says as he hands u back the letter. "Looks like ye got yourself some work anyways." One of the other old timers in the back grunts.

"Well ye best be gettin on up to the council, laddie. Ya wont be needing me up there." He settles back into his chair. "Oh and if ye dont want to pay the guild fee thats no problem. I figger we be closed anyways in a few months. Ye be the only new recruit in the last 3 years."


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