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Letters and Legalities

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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Thu May 09, 2013 12:29 pm

"Nobody needs adamantium. I would like it if you are willing to take an IOU and that deal and free drinks at Poseidon's beard. If not just give me the even trade and ill upgrade later when I can afford it. I'm seaeak for future reference."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Thu May 09, 2013 1:12 pm

"I ain't running a charity here. I can throw it on a standard steel masterwork this once. Come by tomorrow."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Thu May 09, 2013 2:05 pm

"That'll do. I'll see you then." With that settled. I head out of the shop and go looking for Marta and Martin.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Thu May 09, 2013 2:26 pm

"Are you done flirting?" A familiar and disdainful voice sounds out behind you as you leave the enchantress' shop. Pondscum falls into step behind you and sniffs derisively. "Ugly is as ugly does I suppose. Can't understand you pale skinned folk. Where to next, you said you needed to check on someone else right?"


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Thu May 09, 2013 2:37 pm

"Yes I need to set Martin and Marta up with my place so they can collect for me. I also want to pick up a battle mask". (Natural 20. Oh yeah).


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Thu May 09, 2013 2:44 pm

"Pfft, where are you going to find one of those? Its not like we're in Abitha."

As you round the corner Pondscum nearly knocks over an orc dressed as a shaman selling fearsome looking trinkets. With a snarl, the orc twirls around and begins his pitch: "TRINKETS! TATTOOS! WAR MASKS! GET YOUR MYSTICAL GOODS HERE BEFORE THEY'RE GONE FOREVER!!!"

"Ur sz wut zuo'nel lu huot! Lroy yrel bovx oq!" Pondscum yells and jumps back as a dagger appears in his hand. When the orc merely stared holding his box of mercy, Pondscum turned a deep green and slowly sheathed the dagger and stood behind you.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Thu May 09, 2013 3:21 pm

"What kinds of trinkets and things are you selling Orc, and I would appreciate it if you don't threaten my associate again if you hope to do further business." (Intimidate 36 -another natural 20--). [why can't I roll like this in combat]


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Fri May 10, 2013 10:20 am

"BAHAHAHA THREATEN? YOU FUNNY. ORCS DONT THREATEN NOBODY. WE JUST KILLS. YER 'SSOCIATE STILL GOTS ALL IS ARMS N LEGS AIN'T HE? SO BUY OR MOVE ALONG." his over-loud voice and rank breath push you back a step, but the orc merely shows you a list attached to the tray of goods hes hawking.

bandages of rapid recovery
war mask
assisting gloves
bone darts
feather tokens: anchor, bird, fan
ioun torch
war paint of the terrible visage
tooth and feather fetish


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Fri May 10, 2013 11:40 am

"You've for some good stuff there. Would you by chance have a battle mask?" I ask as I dream about the day when I can buy him out of stock.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Fri May 10, 2013 11:46 am

He pulls out the mask and holds out his other hand palm up. The tray of goods hangs from his shoulders like a drink seller at the arena games.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Fri May 10, 2013 12:32 pm

I give the Orc 50g and take the mask before donning it to cover my scared face. Then I turn to podscum and prompt him to continue on to M&M.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Fri May 10, 2013 12:50 pm

The gnome, already unsettled by the yelling ogre, takes one look at you and faints at your feet.

the ogre chuckles, "LOOKS LIKE IT WORKS! HAR HAR HAR!" and continues milling through the crowd selling his trinkets.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Fri May 10, 2013 3:14 pm

I go find M&M after taking a moment to wake my reluctant companion.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Mon May 13, 2013 12:37 pm

Martin and Marta had spent the night in the magic guild chapter house. When you walk in the door, all seems normal after the storytelling of the previous night. The smell of baked goods and the sunlight pouring in through the windows seemed to discredit the events of the past month. Things couldn't be that bad could they?

Illusions of calm were shattered as the mage wandered into the room studying an ancient tome and muttering to himself. "...the right components... ...could be disastrous..." He seems startled when he sees the two of you, but then motions to the table.

Before you sit down, however, the mage turns with a horrified look on his face. "WAIT! DON'T SIT THERE! EVERYTHING COULD BE RUINED!" He practically throws you across the room and gently lifts a covered object from your intended seat. "I've been working on this little concoction all morning. If you had sat on it the repercussions would have been felt for generations!"


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Mon May 13, 2013 9:03 pm

Grumbling I take a seat in the now vacant chair.

Taking a good smell of the place I ask "is there any food left, I could eat..." While I wait on Martin and Marta.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Tue May 14, 2013 1:51 am

Pausing in the doorway, the mage turns and looks back at you. "Yes this dough has risen quite well enough." He whisks off the towel from his covered pan and smells the bread dough. "It will be ready in about an hour."

Marta passes the mage as he sails into the kitchen and chuckles at the bread crafter. "You better not get in the way of greatness. And food morning to you two. What's the plan?"


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Tue May 14, 2013 8:46 am

"The plan, hmm, we'll, I'm going to Abitha with this letter and taking podscum and the girl with me. I'm sure she would like to see the big city. I want to ask if you two would like to work for me. I started an establishment here, Poseidon's Beard, and will eventually have more such establishments too my name. I am wondering if you wouldn't mind being my general managers and periodically drop in to make sure things are running the way they should be. Also if you could collect my share so I don't have too visit every week. Especially after I have a few different places."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Tue May 14, 2013 10:09 am

Marta nods appreciatively. "You've been busy. Allright then, I'll go get Martin and talk it over, but that sounds like an OK deal." As the two of you work out details, Pondscum wanders into the kitchen to get any last orders from the mage and to prepare three packs for the journey to Abitha.

Before the sun hit its zenith the next day, the rather ramshackle trio had been geared up, made a stop by the enchantress' shop, and were well on their way down the road. Pondscum seemed to be in high spirits. This was his first quest outside of the city without his master and he was already making plans of greatness. His rambling stories of how he would become the next great magus in the land were occasionally punctuated by some strange language you'd never heard. But that was only when he got really excited.

The girl, on the other hand, usually full of pluck and muster, seemed downright depressed. You supposed it was merely the weight of all that had happened had finally caught up to her. She did, after all, just lose her father and her fiance all within a fortnight. And to top it all off she didn't remember any of it.

Neither the shoe-gazer nor the unexpected linguist seem much in a mood to talk that evening at the campfire, and the night passes quickly.

In the morning, after an early start, you come upon a covered wagon that seems to be in some distress. A halfling is furiously trying to re-attach a wagon wheel while a half-orc holds the cart up. "Higher, lift it higher dang it!" The halfling is going red in the face, but the half-orc seems not to be affected at all. The cart raises 15 inches.

"Dash it all, not that high! lower!" The cart lowers 17 inches. It is at this point that the orcish brute sees the three of you and points. Muttering obscenities, the halfling turns around and then breathes a sigh of relief. "Ah friends, friends! Could you help me out here? my wagon wheel came off and I've got an important shipment here headed towards Abitha. You wouldn't leave a fellow halfling stranded so far away from a good meal would you?"

[make any rolls you feel are necessary.]


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Tue May 14, 2013 5:19 pm

"I think we might be able to help you out I you would be willing to offer us a ride too abitha since we are headed the same way." (Diplomacy 7.....)


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Tue May 14, 2013 5:40 pm

Both the girl and Pondscum nod their assent too, also rolling poor... er I mean thinking nothing of it.

The halfling smiles broadly. "Great! It's always nice to meet friendly souls all the way out 'ere in the middle of nowhere." A nasty smile slowly creeps onto his face as he begins walking towards you. "With nobody to hear you scream..." The half-orc sets down the wagon and follows the halfling as they both move towards you. A pair of daggers are retrieved from the halfling's person and the brute grabs a massive two-handed axe that was stuck in the ground right next to him. Its a wonder you didn't see it and grow alarmed!

Roll Initiative!


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Tue May 14, 2013 5:51 pm

(Initiative 13) " we could have worked together. But now you force us too fight, if you don't back down I will kill you." I shout at the duo. (25 intimidate)


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Tue May 14, 2013 11:21 pm

The duo approaching you pause for a second and glance at each other, but then continue on.

The half orc, now angered by your insolence, rushes forward to meet you. The greataxe comes up from the side as he lunges towards you and what appeared to be a strike which could have critically injured you was lessened by your armor. You take 9 points of damage

Pondscum yells out, "Lyact pavx buuhilr pniwactl! Tellca lrahh telhijeln ol!" and holds up his hand. An inky blackness materializes above the head of the half orc and descends down upon it. The brute shivers and exhales a breath of foggy air. He seems to be a little worse for wear.

The mayor's daughter, finally breaking out of her melancholy, or perhaps sinking deeper into it, bares her teeth in a soundless snarl and crouches. The air around you seems to chill and the girl throws out a hand towards the half orc. A line of pure white shoots from her finger but widely misses the huge target.

Surprised, the halfling steps back, but then tries to throw a dagger at you. The ferociousness of your taunt, however, renders his grip a little off. The dagger plants itself in a tree behind you.

From out of the covered wagon a head pokes out, takes a look around, and dissappears again. You hear rustling around inside the canvas awning.

What do you do?


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Wed May 15, 2013 12:50 pm

I take a step back and cast Divine Favor on my self increasing my combat effectiveness


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Wed May 15, 2013 1:28 pm

The half orc swings again and misses you.

Pondscum steps back also and begins chanting at the ground in front of him. In seconds the earth crumbles and a large beetle crawls out at his feet and immediately lunges at the half orc, its mandables missing by mere inches.

The mayor's daughter, her grimace now turned into a grin of delight, points now at the halfling and sends another ray or chilling ice. The blast knocks the dagger-tosser back a step and serious doubts as to the success of his plan are clear on his face.

He now turns to the girl, murder warring with uncertainty and throws another dagger. By now the chill in his shoulder had spread into his arm and the dagger fell short. You still hear rustling and a few curses from inside the wagon.

What do you do?


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Letters and Legalities - Page 2 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Wed May 15, 2013 3:57 pm

Taking the moment to feel my deities favor flowing through me I use my honed focus to attack the half Orc (ark roll. Natural 20, confirm to crit 20 total, normal dmg 7. Crit 21)


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