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Letters and Legalities

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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Mon May 20, 2013 10:19 am

"Closed? With the times that are coming we need all the people we can get. Is there anything I can do to help keep this place going? And possibly even thriving?" The prospect of this place needing help excites me as a potential endeavor. The idea of being a guild master is intriguing.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Mon May 20, 2013 11:55 am

[hahaha I thought you'd bite] "Well what do you think we're missing here? The adventurer's guild has 1 adventurer and ..." he looks around the room counting on his fingers. "12 advisors/staff people." This solicited two grunts from different old guys. As you look around the room you see years of scars, experience, and hard won victories staring back at you under the mantle of old age.

"I mean this building is fine, we have places for training, a small library for those less physically inclined, rooms and even a small smithy in the back. We just ain't got no bodies. If you can't get some recruits in the next month or two, then we've gotta sell this place just to put food on our tables."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Mon May 20, 2013 1:46 pm

"Ok then. Ill see what I can do." I get directions to he counsel and start on my way. While crossing the city I ponder how to revive the guild. Might be I could start with flyers to post on the job boards I pass to start.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Tue May 21, 2013 1:32 am

your trek through the lower city takes the better part of the morning.While keeping your eye out for the numerous job boards and the occasional town crier, you cant help but take in the sights of the city.

The lower city was built up around the older city walls as population and commerce grew. Over the years it had more than tripled the size of the city at large. The market district, where you and your party are staying, houses a large bazaar and the adventurer's guild. Its a lively and crowded section of town, though the high percentage of entrepreneurs and money lenders give the hubbub a certain order. In fact, Its rumored that a small sect of monks up in the western mountains sometimes sends down alcolytes to observe the market district and its orderly chaos.

To the east of the markets lie the houses of the arcane. This is a much more solemn, and at times volatile, section of the city. Those outsiders who do venture in from time to time always emerge feeling confused or belittled. The denizens of the sector have a tendancy to look down their noses at outsiders. Business is done and hostilities are mostly non-existant, but most commoners avoid the place if they can help it.

Between the market and arcane districts, however, stands an oddity. Part arcane and part loud boisterous noise, the Bard's School is a delight to passing children and drunkards, and a bane to the more civilized 'grown-ups.' More often than not guards are called to the place at night after too much wine had been spilt and too many mouths spoke their thoughts. Great songs and ballads had been written about the fights fought and the friendships forged (sometimes both in the same night!) in these halls.

To the west of the market district and up on the cliffs overlooking the sea sit the temples and holy places of most all of the benevolent gods and goddesses of the land. Pondscum had muttered a hurried excuse at the enchanter's place before scuttling off in this direction. Hoping to catch a glance of him you make a detour through the area. Marble and ebony pillars hold up great cathedrals in honor of some of the more formal gods, but each order had their spot and what they wished for their place of worship. Many beggars made this district their home. Shops and markets would shoo the homeless from in front of their stores, but here a decent living could be made from pilgrims seeking to asuage their deity by giving to the poor. Pondscum, however, wasn't to be found. In fact you don't remember asking who he worshiped.

These districts, along with a healthy smattering of homes and inns, surround the old city on three sides. The old city, and the castle proper, was built on a cliff and the only known access was through the city. As you come up to the old city walls and pass through the gates, you can feel the chill of the centuries as the massive wall blocks the sun and casts the throngs of people into a short lived dusk. On the other side things are a little different.

What was hastily or cheaply built buildings always in need of repair or more paint in the new city, the old city stood pompously looking over the newer buildings below. Whitewashed plaster and dressed stone were the name of the game up here, and the streets, though busy, were kept pristine. In fact, the main street zig-zagging through town up to the castle had mini gardens planted in the middle with exotic flowers and trees. Yes this was a city of oppulance.

As you near the castle you begin looking for landmarks and eventually veer off from the main drag and head towards the council rooms. The castle, an antique from days long past, was now the premier party spot for rich nobles. Their social gatherings lasted weeks sometimes. But since the wars ended, the lands were ruled by a collection of people, not just one. So a small arena was gutted and refurbished into a council chamber where the triumvirate could meet and discuss politics with representatives of the various lands.

Today, however, no debates or discussions were scheduled and the place stood nearly empty. Pondscum waits for you in a front waiting room on a bench. He holds a new quarterstaff with some strange symbols on it, but deflects your questioning eyes. "The aide said wait. So I'm waiting. I had heard about the bureaucracy here so I did my business quickly and came to get in line." He looks around at the empty benches and chairs in the room and chuckles. I guess we beat the rush."

Seeing a pot with various plants sitting off to the side, he scoots towards it, reaches out a hand and concentrates. Suddenly a few gallons of water appear about a foot above the pot and come crashing down. Turning a deep shade of green, the little gnome leaps across the room before the wave of mud and leaves can touch him. He settles into a chair and tries to look nonchalant.

A young page boy rushes into the room with horror written on his face. "What happened?!" Before you can answer, Pondscum just points at you.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Tue May 21, 2013 7:41 am

"My apologies. A simple spell I've been trying to modify for a more utilitarian approach. I seem to need some more practice" I say as I direct a very cold glare at pondscum. "Don't I Pondscum...."

"I'm here to see the counsel about a matter of importance"


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Tue May 21, 2013 12:46 pm

You hear chuckling as you follow the perplexed aide into the network of hallways under the council chambers. The place had been redone when the new government took power. The area you were now walking through had once been the cells that slaves and criminals had stayed in before going to fight for their freedom. Such barbaric practices were not only frowned upon, but also expensive.

Now a clean but plain stone interior kept the offices and meeting rooms cool during the hot coastal summers. Into one of these meeting rooms the aide ushered you and then disappeared. At the opposite end of the room form the door was a large window looking out into the main chambers.

Terraced bleachers of stone, original stone, but since it was not stained with blood, did not have to be reworked, rose up 15 rows. In the center of the circular room the sand floor had been cleaned out and replaced with a polished hardwood floor. A single table and three chairs sat in the middle of the room. You guessed this is where the main workings of the triumvirate took place.

Surprisingly enough the area was open to the public. The idea was to let the general populace in on what took place in the official proceedings. In fact, a romantic couple was having lunch opposite you on the upper level of the bleachers.

A cleared throat made you turn around and you see Markus Aronaes watching you. The council, ever mindful of the sources of the unrest, kept one of the three predominant races in power. This was the human representative and he was a specimen indeed.

Once a general in the royal army, Markus had defected and joined the rebels early in the wars. The famed "Hero of a Hundred Battles" had almost single-handedly won the war with his masterful battlefield tactics and his willingness, in fact compulsion, to be in the first wave of attacks. Now old and with a full head of grey hair he stood no less proud and confident as he had the day the old king was beheaded by his own hand.

"I received word from the magus in Dariyul that you were coming. He served with me in many of my campaigns. If he is worried then I am worried. Sit and tell me your tale."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Tue May 21, 2013 1:18 pm

I hand him the letter an begin my tale being sure to detail the bits I find most important. Once I'm done with my story I ask, "I'll answer any questions as best I can."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Tue May 21, 2013 3:06 pm

The aging warrior sits quietly for a moment mulling it all over. "So you're saying that this golden age of peace is soon over? That some malignant spirit in a darker place has their sights set on these lands and they soon mean to strike?" He scans the letter again, not waiting for a reply.

Finally he stands. "These are serious claims. But marshalling for war against an enemy we have not yet encountered is just not feasable right now." Seeing the look on your face he holds up his hand. "But. But preperations can be begun. I have a weekly meeting with the triumvirate tomorrow afternoon. I would like you and your companions there as eye witnesses. You will be summoned at 2, so be here in the waiting area. My... cohorts are not as... Well they oft think I miss the days of war and battles, so they will take some convincing. Be ready and hold no information back."

He turns to leave but pauses in the doorway. He leans his head against the doorframe in weariness. "In all honesty I despise battle and the things that honest rational men are driven to do." He glances at you and you see a flash of silvery blue regret before he regains his composure. "I pray to the gods that you're wrong." The aide stands waiting in the hallway as the council member disappears around a corner.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Tue May 21, 2013 3:32 pm

With that taken care of I ask around for a scribe who might be able to help me produce some flyers to help advertise for the adventures guild.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Tue May 21, 2013 4:14 pm

You find a scribe in the merchants district. He says one page will be 3sp a page unless you provide the materials, and a fee of 3g for a day. Depending on how many pages you want to make the one time fee will be higher or lower so he has time to make them.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Tue May 21, 2013 5:54 pm

"Sounds reasonable. Make what you can with this." I hand him 15G. "Make as many as you can and ill lock up what you have tomorrow to pass them out then. Then before I leave town ill take everything you've got. Whatever is left over take to the adventure guild. Here is an extra gold for the delivery."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Tue May 21, 2013 6:05 pm

The shopkeeper takes your money and hands you a silver in change. "That's 33 pages. They will be ready this evening if you'd like to pick them up then."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Tue May 21, 2013 6:15 pm

"Thanks!" With that I leave to head back to the adventure guild. I would like to sit down with them to work out some other methods of spreading the word and to pass the time while the sun is up.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Tue May 21, 2013 7:03 pm

Pondscum parts ways with you there and heads back towards the inn. "I want to experience a little of the night life while we're in the big city, so I'm going to go take a nap. You're welcome to join me." He makes it a few steps and then freezes. "uh... join me on the town that is. I don't, I mean not that there's... just... BYE!" and he takes off down the street at a sprint.

Back at the adventurer's guild you sit down and... [explain to me what you have in mind with specifics, like the Poseidon's Beard. maybe like hiring trainers, updating equipment, talking about the advertising campaign or whatever you want to call it, getting word out to potential customers, etc. Be as detailed as you can for the sake of GM/player interaction or DC check or whatever.]


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Tue May 21, 2013 8:17 pm

"Alright gentlemen, we need to get this place thriving. I'm new to the operation of a guild. The things I figure we need are people too train the new guys in weapons and geography. We will need recruiters trainers and smiths as well as people to teach on subjects that will be encountered on the road such as manic and deception. I will also want people to find work for the recruits. We could set up a grade system to determine who is eligible for different jobs based on difficulty and pay. We will need stewards to manage the logistics and scribes to facilitate communication. Instead of dues we should take a cut from each job. It will be relatively large but with it we will need to provide incentives like job security, supplies, equipment, repaired and upgrades like having an enchanter on hand. And we can charge at cost or free if materials are provided. Any thoughts too all this?"


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Tue May 21, 2013 10:20 pm

If you were an academic, and if you had studied communication, and if you had specialized in non-verbal communication, and if you had minored in male psychology, and if you had been an adventurer, and had been at the Silent Battle in which the evil clerics of Lolth and bards of Rolterra had conspired together to cloak the whole battlefield in silence and darkness, then you would have observed the following:

"Do you really think this guy can do it?"
"Nah, hes just a young whipper snapper! It'll implode his fragile little skull!"
"You said dat 'bout jim ober dar... 'e aint got no pwodwem."
"you're pointing to the flower bed dude. His only job now is to push up daisies."
"But 'ees doin a gwand job, aint ee?"
"ze laddie haas a point. Zis young, er how you say, snapper of the whips, perhaps may be but the catalyst zis guild needs! I say let him but try! And let him sink his fortunes into the venture, even if we fail, we still have more wine!"
"Oh thats right."
"Here here"
"Thats the spirit!"
"Let the lad help out some!"
more silence....
"Steve did you drink that tea the herbalist gives you every week?"
silence again....
"I'm a little behind... why do you ask?"
"Why don't you go grab some. It'll be good, throw a shot of whiskey in it."
"Ooh good idea!"
One old timer gets up and calmly walks out of the room.
more silence....
"Well that was weird... vote?"
You would have heard a chorus of "AYE!" but instead you heard:

sniff with upraised eyebrows
lowered eyebrows
one eyebrow goes down
eyebrows up, down, slight shrug, sip of tea, wag the eyebrows up and down twice, wink
pursed lips
cross legs the other way
more silence....
one eyebrow goes up
silence again....
stare at floor
small smile
One old timer gets up and calmly walks out of the room.
more silence....
long slow whistle
grunt, grunt, grunt, snort, grunt, snort, fart, grunt

Carl stretches and turns to you. "Well I think we can manage some of that. A few of us still remember some of the tricks of the trade so I bet we could fill in some of the needed roles. And baron von... er retired baron von whats-his-face over there still knows a few nobles that might have some jobs needing done. Gonna be mighty slow work in these times though, not much bad is happening in the world." He gives you the evil-eye. "Now I ain't sayin go recruit some bandit warlords... but if what ur letter said was true then just direct problems this way."

[one of my favorite posts ever! and could you edit ur previous one to say "magic and deception" I keep seeing "manic depression" lol...]


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Tue May 21, 2013 10:35 pm

"Very good. Ill be back tomorrow with a few posters. Try to have a total together for when I get back and a list of things that money can't solve and we will work it out before I leave. And be reasonable on the funds. We don't need to be at 100% right off the bat. We just need to get the ball rolling."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Tue May 21, 2013 10:40 pm

As you leave you overhear plans about now much wine they can afford and a few "I'll work for grog!" comments before the door crashes closed behind you. The shadows are getting long and only a few desperate vendors ply their wares on the street corners. As you make your way to the inn you realize that the shopkeepers are not vacating. They are merely switching positions with a whole different economy. The lower the sun gets in the sky the more colorful and slightly illegal the merchandise gets.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Wed May 22, 2013 12:24 am

The innkeeper meets you at the door of the Flower and the Compass. "oh, well welcome back. Some drunken idiot just tried to test their create water spell in here and I'm on the lookout for them." The fat old man suddenly scrutinizes you then smiles. Ah you're an arcane caster. Not a likely suspect. Your friend Pondy is having some dinner now, I think he means to be up a while though." The elderly cleric seemingly dismisses you and leans against the doorframe. But as you pass he lays a cautionary hand on your shoulder.

"the lad's a good kid. But likely to get in a little trouble if he's not careful... Keep an eye on him for me would you?" [knowledge religion? without looking up pondscums char sheet?]


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Wed May 22, 2013 7:06 am

I will, I've seen a few of his japes already." I take a moment to observe my companion. (25 religion). Then I go over to him and make my presence known. " hey there pondscum. I heard about another bush getting watered. So what do you have in store for us tonight?"


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Wed May 22, 2013 1:59 pm

Pondscum looks up with a grin. "Yeah about that... I am getting better though." He holds out his hand and you see a smaller glob of water appear over an empty pitcher near the kitchen entrance. The glob slowly descends into the pitcher then drops the last inch with a tiny splash. "If I keep this up maybe one day I'll be able to make it look like rain!"

The old innkeeper/cleric walks by with an arm full of empty plates and glasses. "not in here you wont. And if I ever catch who did that earlier they're going to wish they are going to regret not joining a monastery." With a wink the man hobbles away into the kitchens.

"Nasty old man... Well I was going to go check out the night market. They say there's goods there from all over the world, some real gems if you know where to look. I think Shirin is coming too."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Wed May 22, 2013 4:01 pm

"Sounds like a plan." I join pondscum to wait for Shirin to join us and order a horn of ale.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Wed May 22, 2013 4:32 pm

The three of you set off once it gets a little darker and people begin to light lanterns. As you get closer to the bazaar more and more lights line the streets. At first they are merely illumination, but by the time you arrive the lighting has moved more into a form of art. Colored fabrics and papers tint the light and look like opening flowers or balls of flame or even a few flying monsters.

Children run through the legs of older people, squealing in delight and eating something with way too much sugar in it. In fact, most people seem to be nibbling on something, be it meat on a stick, candy, or a sweet roll.

Some of the stalls you passed this morning held an oddity or two, maybe a blacksmith's puzzle from a foreign land. But these stalls, though they held few practical items, were filled to the brim with toys, art, noisemakers, and the like. Some people were even claiming to sell magical items at fractions of the price or ancient heirlooms guaranteed to being luck. The most basic appraisal check would show that these were cheap forgeries.

Here and there in the crowd you see performers juggling, eating, or balancing on some strange object. A few living statues garnered ooh's and aah's. And faces and accents from every land imaginable filled the crowd.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Wed May 22, 2013 4:37 pm

As we wander I take up the rear since I don't have any goals to fill and just take in the sights and sounds. As we pass one of the food vendors I get us all a snack. Other than that I am simply along for the ride. "What do you guys think of life after dark?"


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Letters and Legalities - Page 5 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Wed May 22, 2013 4:52 pm

Shirin is all wide-eyed as she sees objects and people she has never even heard of, let alone seen. "This is crazy... I never imagined that- Is that man eating a sword?!?!?!"

Pondscum chuckles and tries to look casual, but even he is surprised by some of the sights and sounds. "I personally love the night, it's when I really come alive. Although I usually seek places with smaller crowds, this is still pretty neat. Ooh whats that?" He points to a stall off to the side with some small jewels and shiny trinkets. As the three of you approach a bent-over old man hobbles around to meet you.

"Ah I see you three have a discerning eye. Have a look, these jewels have seen more battle than the triumvirate itself. Many of these items were looted from the dead by the pirate warlords of the south. And this one," He holds up a chain with a pendant encrusted in what look like diamonds and set with a large moonstone. "This was the Pirate Lord Greybeard's very own talisman against evil. It's said that luck follows the one who wears it and it will make you stronger in battle."

As he's giving his sales pitch and Shirin is eyeing a particularly sparkly pair of earrings, you make a perception roll.


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