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Letters and Legalities

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Letters and Legalities - Page 7 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:01 pm

Nothing untoward happens to you or your companions other than a general lack of sleep due to nerves. Excepting, of course, Shirin who said she slept like a baby.

Nerves or not, however, the three of you make your way back up to the council chambers that afternoon and arrive in plenty of time to make the meeting. No plant waterings happened while waiting in the lobby area this time. Pondscum seemed nervous.

This time, instead of a private meeting room, the aide takes you to the main meeting area in the ampitheatre. two drunks working on a hangover sat watching you as you waited for the council to arrive. No, one of them was still drinking judging by the bulging wineskin hanging at his belt.

Finally, hearing movement behind you, you turn to see the three members of the triumvirate counsel approaching. After they seat themselves and greetings have taken place, the Elvish representative, a mage names Renault Elashudiir renowned in the use of elemental forces and rumored to have been the one to seal the extra-planar rifts two centuries ago in the great Plane Wars, begins the formal discussion. "The general here has explained what you came to tell us. I have some thoughts of my own, but I would like to hear what you three think of the whole matter, being first hand wittnesses after all."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 7 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:13 pm

I recount the tail. Having gone over it so many times recently the retelling becomes more animated and detailed. I also add the events from yesters eve. Once in done I turn to the councle to gauge the responses and wait for any questions or comments that may arise.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 7 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:42 pm

Having seen the situation from your point of view, they sit a moment and absorb what you reflected. The halfling representative, voice of all half-folk including half elves, half orcs, halflings, and all other minor races, spat a wad of tobbacco juice into a rusty can he was holding onto.

"It is good to hear it from the source. But what we want to know is what you would do. If you were in our shoes, or say if you were king or something similar, what would you propose to deal with this as yet unrealized menace?"


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Letters and Legalities - Page 7 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:10 pm

"I would prepare under a less horrifying pretense. Father an army, train troops. I am investing in an adventures guild. If we could outfit it to train more people we could call on its help when it is needed."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 7 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Sun Jun 02, 2013 12:09 am

The elf sniffs derisively and sniffs a perfumed handkercheif. "But train against what? There's been nary a peep of evil or corruption in 20 years except for that of which you speak. Assuming of course that you speak truth."

The general turns on the placid elf sitting on his cushions. "Now look here a minute pointy ears. This dam kid didn't make up what he saw. You knew Rhilladansil, this gnome's teacher. He's not an elf to make up fancy tales." He glances at you. "The mage's elven name... He doesn't give it lightly, please ignore you just heard it."

The elf, now pink with anger sits up in his seat. "I pray you look back on the years we spent working in harmony and forget the tone you just used."

The general, mustering every bit of self restraint he possesses leans down to the elf and whispers with noses almost touching, "I pray you look back on the years we spent in peace and forget your cushions on your soft ass and remember that neither you or I are the enemy here." He flings a desperate finger at you and your party. "These folk have seen the resurgence of evil. This girl was robbed a baby in her womb! This gnome had a master locked in the seven rings of hell for a year outside our time! And you sit here wondering if the evenings entertainment will be broached quails egg or honeyed ham!"

In no short order the council table and not a small stack of papers and reports is in the air. [reflex save]!


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Letters and Legalities - Page 7 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:51 pm

(9). Caught completely unaware my reflexes fail me.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 7 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:31 pm

You and Shirin both get knocked back by the turned over table and take 2 points of damage.

"And where does all our rage and action get us?" A strangely familiar voice comes from behind you as you pick yourself up with Pondscum's help, who had managed to leap out of the way rather nimbly. Looking over your shoulder you see a limping half-orc in brown robes coming towards you. The hair on the back of your neck rises as you realize it's the half-orc from Last Stop.

"Ah my friend, welcome." The elf rises from his chair and walks to the new arrival and greets him with a hug. Turning he introduces your previous acquaintance. "This is the illustrious Frukas Dar-Guum. A druid I've known in my travels for quite some time. And he is acting as my current advisor." The mage returns to his seat and confers with the halfling as they both stare at the still fuming warrior pacing beside his chair.

Frukas looks down at you as he stops beside your small party. "Hello again friend. I assume you're here because of the events that transpired that dreadful night in Last Stop. I regret I had to remove myself from that fight for I was no longer of assistance. I have not the..." he pauses and glances at Shirin, "...vigor of a stronger spellcaster nor the constitution of a seasoned warrior like yourself."

Turning to the general he continues. "Markus Aronaes, hero of how many battles? And now flipping tables like a loser in a gambling match." A scowl hot enough to light fires burned under the troubled brows of Markus, but the half-orc continued on. "Where does violence get us? It takes us to hasty conclusions. This... event in Last stop was no more than a few troglodytes who had stumbled on a last resting place of a minor mage. They disturbed his remains and people got hurt and the matter is concluded. There is no invasion force coming from the 7 rings of hell."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 7 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:43 pm

"Umm excuse me sir. I've been lead to believe otherwise. With the help if a magus and even a brief encounter here in this city has me believing this may go deeper than all that. Now I know it will be a hassle, but a larger hassle will be had if we don't prepare for a potentially dreadful outcome. Do you really believe our mutual friend would put forth the effort he has if it were only a few troglodytes? And if it is true that things have been quite for the last 20 years, you can't truly believe things will remain that way. We should be greatful for the warning we have in advanced versus the surprise that could be had." (16 deplomecy)


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Letters and Legalities - Page 7 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:09 pm

The half-orc laughs. "Hassle? Oh yes it will be a hassle. Raising a standing army will be a hassle. Spending tens of thousands on wartime preparations will be a hassle. Sending who knows how many expeditions into the wilderness to search for this so-called threat will be a hassle." He limps over to a window.

"But look! I am wrong! The hoards of undeath even now swoop upon us! We are too late!" He holds his hand out and a sparrow flits in and lands on his outstretched finger. "Oh wait, maybe I was mistaken." He strokes the bird's feathers with a finger and whispers something into its ear before it flies off again. "Nope, just sunshine and songbirds out here. Do you really expect us to believe that the world is ending?"

He points at Pondscum, who visibly retreats from the stare of the druid. "You, you are the magus' apprentice, no? Does the man ever have flights of fancy? Isn't he prone to a little more wine than usual? In fact wasn't he teaching you about illusion magic?" The gnome gulps but says nothing. "Yes, council members. We should take the advice of this magus from a backwards town and this child of a halfling as solid truth."

"I have had about enough of your words druid!" General Markus spits from across the room. "You've said your part, now get out!"

"But isn't this a public meeting place? Wasn't it your idea to have this open to all by law?" Frukas turns to the other two members of the counsel and shakes his head before sitting down. "Control your lapdog counselors."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 7 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:54 pm

Hmm having met him at the tavern he seemed to be a different person. But now I believe I'm seeing his truer colors. "Look I didn't come here to waiste my time convincing you there is a problem. When you seem to be so happy with your own little box. I've shared my peace, take it or leave it. If anybody else has anything constructive to say then share it, but if its more of the 'look at the raving lunatic' sort, I'm leaving"


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Letters and Legalities - Page 7 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:07 pm

Frukas bows in mock-politeness. "Well then have a nice day. We're going to continue to discuss rational policy about real and percieved threats, not make believe stories."

The halfling counsel member, who had been rather quiet during the whole thing merely looked at you, though with an expression you couldn't quite read. The elven mage, though, looked like he had heard a great joke and was struggling to keep his calm and not burst out laughing.

"I will see you to the door." General Markus brushed past you like a storm-cloud. Once back in the maze of hallways he called for the nearest aide. "Get me a crate of something fragile, perhaps porcelain vases or something. Leave them in my office." The aide went running.

The walk back to the lobby area was silent and frosty. but when you got there the general stopped you as Pondscum and Shirin went outside. "That Frukas is a liar and a twister of the truth. This is not the first time he has stuck his fingers into policy and twisted the mind of the damnable elf to his own will. We cannot help you without all three of our votes. But you have my unofficial support. Send word when you find more concrete proof and I shall endeavor to keep my cool when next you stand in these chambers."

With that he turns and makes his way back to his office yelling, "ARE MY VASES READY? SOMEONE FETCH ME A MAUL!!" Ahh stress relief at its finest.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 7 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:21 pm

Having had my fill of politics for the day...oh wait now I have to go meet with the guild. Leaving the counsel hall I head back to the guild bringing pondscum and shirin along in hopes that they may have some insight of what needs to be done to make what may be our last line of defense a prosperous venture. It's alway been said that war could be profitable.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 7 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Thu Jun 13, 2013 4:48 pm

Back at the adventurers guild not much had changed.  The old men had moved into another room, but still sat in a circle remembering old times.  A few of the rooms around the place had been cleared out, but not much work had to be done.  Most of the equipment and furniture had been taken care of or put into storage bit by bit as membership had declined over the years.

So except for a little extra dust hanging in the air and a few sticks of furniture rearranged, all remained the same.  

The old men, though, they seemed 10 years younger.  Though they still told their stories and passed around a few pipes, much stories' focus was on daily operation of the guild way back when, not on old adventures.  They were talking and laughing about some old harsh teacher or the time they all snuck out and almost started a riot.  

"Oy!  Its the lad!"  a few of them made attempts to stand, and one made it, but most reconsidered and let their elderly hips win.  "We got your fliers from that scribe guy, good idea!  We think you should take some and go ask around in one of the other large cities, we cant travel much so we'll paper this town."

"Aye, ye could be goin down south to the grand old city of pirates.  weeeell...  pirates per say.  they be a seafarin bunch, to be sure, but most of em put down the cutlass and the risks involved.  They mostly keep the peace just cause they like their place, ya know.  More of a big family than a city..."

"Ach no, no das place ist no good.  Go north and ask ze monks by ze lake in ze mountains.  Dey travel to zis city...  from time to time.  Dey are persons ve shouldst be asking."

"huu huuuu...  you guys fight too many.  I fink tha dorfs is good peoples too.  asks them too.  they will fight too.  too...."  Someone patted the largest of them all on the knee as he got stuck on a single word and had to stop talking.

The headmaster just grinned through the whole outburst.  "Well, we need you to go to all three eventually, or at least start to send runners.  Though I expect you'd be the best to go.  And I hear there may still be a small group or two of woodland elves living on the fringes of the grasslands to the southeast of here.  Maybe a few nomads down there too keepin the grass tended.  but at this point, we'll take anyone willing to learn."


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Letters and Legalities - Page 7 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Thu Jun 13, 2013 5:48 pm

"Ok, you gentleman do what you can here. If you find cause to send someone to these places for work or what not send some papers with them. A while back the dwarves were mentioned and them being generally subterranean I'm hoping they may know a thing or two about what I found underground at last stop. It's a bit of a long shot bit it's all I've got to go on now." I then sit down to join them for a relaxing afternoon. I inform my companions that I plan to depart at first light.


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Letters and Legalities - Page 7 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Lefty Thu Jun 13, 2013 6:52 pm

BEfore you retire that evening to ready for the journey, Headmaster Jacoby Drexel, who in s mild case of altzheimers kept changing his name, hands you a letter.  

"I almost forgot.  This came for you this afternoon just before you got here.  A halfling brought it.  He was all covered up and didn't talk much, though he did spit a great wad of tobacco on our doorstep as he left.  nasty stuff that..."

That evening after all the preperations had been made and the other two were in their respective rooms, you read the letter.

"My sometimes unwanted line of work forces me to be silent on some matters I'd rather endorse.  Reason and working for the greater good oft stay my hand when my instinct and gut feeling tell me to find as many blades as possible and slip away into the night.

It is ironic, therefore, that reason and a desire for common well being drive me to send this letter.  for some time now I have been observing a power shift in the counsel and I fear that it is neither towards myself, out human friend, or our elven compatriot.

Although the events and information you related this afternoon indeed do not warrant the rise of a standing army, the General and I feel that land of ours has need of one soon.  Though we may bask in what we believe to be peace and prosperity, no guarantees hold that other nations across the seas or over the mountain ranges to the east share in our common charities.

So to you I say, not as a counsel member, but as a fellow halfling and as a lover of freedom and of gut instincts; you have my support and the support of no few old networks of shadows with whom I still keep in touch.  Good luck in wherever you go now to spread the word, but if you have need of assistance, go to most any tavern and order a ruby lager.  The wait people might not know what you mean, and you can go on your way after that, but I'll soon make contact with you.

  you know who."

[level 5]


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Letters and Legalities - Page 7 Empty Re: Letters and Legalities

Post  Unkykong Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:30 pm

[Now the hard part. I miss my pc]


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