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A boring story to begin with

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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:34 pm

As you walk back into the main room you hear the mayor mumbling under his breath. You miss most of it but you do hear the word, "Grandchild" before the alcohol washed anything of recognition from the man's mouth.

for a mining town, the inn had a decent sized tavern in it. A handful of tables littered the room in front of the fireplace and the bar looked rather well stocked. however, few souls graced this join on this chilly mid summer afternoon. Only the barkeep, a few miners by the door, and a hooded figure sitting near to the fire.


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:38 pm

I walk up to the barkeep and set up a room for the night, and ask how I can find this fellow named mike in the morning. After that is settled I grab a pint of the local brew and settle in near the hooded figure and watch the locals as they go about their business.


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:44 pm

(are you going to wait for him to respond to you?)

The barkeep, unused to your fancy city talking seems rather aghast. but before you can leave and go sit by the fire he recovers his wits and laughs. "Well I'm Mike. That's me, yeah." he sticks a massive pinky finger into his ear and begins to dig.

"an if Mayor says u can have a bed, have it. that'll be 2 penny for the brew lad." he takes your change and walks down the length of the bar laughing about city folk.


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:52 pm

I sip on the pint and make a casual comment to the hooded figure about the unrefined tastes of these "rural people." In an attempt to figure out how he fits into the picture.(would a sense motive roll be appropriate?)


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:55 pm

A quiet chuckle rumbles out from the hood of the cloak. "No kidding. They're all scared of me when all I want is an honest job."

The hood turns towards you and in the firelight you see a half-orc peering out from under the folds of fabric. "Well what brings a halfling up to this arm pit of Lowrule?"


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:58 pm

The promise of adventure and the possibility of riding the world of a heretic or two along the way


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:10 pm

"ah, religiosity! I practice in the divine myself from time to time. Too bad these simpletons scream bloody murder when I try to cast a minor heal on them..."

The half-orc takes a swig of his ale and sneers at the miners by the door.

"But what can you do... Just help those who will take it and try to get by." He turns back to you and gestures with his mug. "If you're going up there, though, I'd watch out. I heard there's an imp up there controlling everything. One of the miners told me as he died in my arms after the first attack."


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:16 pm

"Ah a cleric, I do enjoy your kinds company when the situation requires. I do plan on venturing to the mines after our local bar tender fills me in on the details of the kidnapping a few weeks ago. If your up too it feel fee to join me in the morning." I drown my mug and help myself to my room to rest and get my mind prepared for what tomorrow may bring.


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:29 pm

The hood follows your movements as you retire. You think you hear someone laughing outside, but when you lookout from your room the streets are dark and empty.

In the morning, Mike leads you out of the now empty tavern and shows you where the couple was last seen. Its a secluded spot that lovers liked to frequent, and quite near the path up to the now abandoned mine. with a wary glance over his shoulder the barkeep returns to the safety of his bar.


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 6:36 pm

I look around for any signs of the kidnapping despite the time that has passes since it had occurred. Looking for anything that might have been dropped or something that would help me track. (18 perception and 11 survival)


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:21 pm

As you look around you can clearly see the signs of struggle. A scarf lies on the ground with a little blood on it, but besides that there is little sign of injury. The underbrush towards the path looks like it was trampled down recently.


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:23 pm

I pick up the scarf and pocket it. Then I methodically follow the path keeping an eye out for more signs and for any baddies that might be near.


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:33 pm

The trampled down brush path leads to the path to the mine. No more baddies come along, though you do hear faint voices up the road.

(DM's knowledge: baddie isn't a word.)


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:45 pm

(It was in a book I'm reading). I pause to listen. Hoping I can make out what is being said. (17 perception)


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:03 pm

WHats ur languages?


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:11 pm

Common and halfling. Use your resources


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:31 pm

(I looked.) you dont understand the language spoken, but you smell something cooking just past the turn in the path.

You also notice a small game path off to the left.


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:41 pm

Mustering all my skills in stealth I take the game trail in an attempt to close in on the source of the sound and smell (14 stealth)


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:12 pm

you move down the game trail and meet no resistance. On the way, however, you spy three kobolds arguing over a campfire and stew pot. A single booted leg sticks out of the pot. They are too entrenched in their conversation to notice you.

As you continue on you come to the mouth of the mine. Little can be seen from the doorway.


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:23 pm

( my weapon and shield are readied FYI). I continue into the mine with the same methodical approach.


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:28 pm

The shaft continues on level into the mountains for a ways, then opens up into a large cavern. In the middle of the cavern is a large stone pillar blocking your view to the end. To either side shafts lead off into the darkness. Small cracks in the ceiling let in enough light to see, but its still dim.


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:33 pm

I stick to the shadows as best as I can while I inch around the room to the other side (4 stealth)


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:36 pm

(Reading comprehension crit fail). I take the left side of the room. Stoping at the first shaft to look down it. And see what is beyond the pillar


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:37 pm

your excellent stealth abilities have attracted a lizard from inside the shaft! Roll initiative!


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A boring story to begin with - Page 2 Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 10:39 pm



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