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A boring story to begin with

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A boring story to begin with Empty A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:17 am

The world is at peace. The triumverate rules this city state with justice and equality, or so say the town criers. But the nay-sayers can counter the over-abundant harvests and lack of border disputes with nothing. So for now they stay silent.

The grain and mead flows with abundance, the colleges of magic and war are full to overflowing, and the border towns grow fat and lazy. Nothing could go wrong. Even the other city-states in the region are enjoying a measure of peace and prosperity. Adventurers are giving up the sword for the plow.

Yet through all this there remains an air of disquiet. After so many generations of war and destruction, the common folk can't help but look to the hills in fear. The newer members of the town guards see only an easy pay and a warm bed, but the grizzled old veterans sleep little these nights wondering when the ancient evils will resurface, and hoping they will only come one at a time.

Still, the world isn't perfect. No matter how nice and peaceful the world may be, trogledites cannot help but stinking. And in this time of ease, their stink has spread. An unknown party has called upon the Sword and the Staff hoping to illicit adventurers to stop the spread of the thieving trogledites upon the northern territories. A Master Carl awaits the applications of worthy adventurers at the guild headquarters in Abitha.

Last edited by Lefty on Sun May 19, 2013 10:27 pm; edited 1 time in total


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:38 pm

Master Martin, I am Seaeak and I bring my sword in the form of my faith and my Starknife to help ride the world of these thieving troglodytes. Though honestly, you had me at stinking.


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:57 pm

Master Carl looks around to see who spoke. The guild hall was fairly quiet these days and only a few old retired adventurers were lounging in the back corner. A quick glance downward, however, brought his full attention to the claimant of the call for help.

Even though he was of average height for a halfling, the creature standing before Master Martin would not be easily forgotten. Some long past accident or burn has twisted the majority of its poor face into a gruesome frown. But the light in its eyes shone bright nonetheless. Determined and haughty, the halfling stood his ground waiting on Martin's reply.

"You? you're all that responds for my pleas of help? Its been a bloody fortnight and you are the only one to respond?" A spitoon nearby felt the full measure of his disgust for this city. Wiping his arm across his mouth he looked back down and sighed.

"Very well. If you'll fight, you'll do. I dont rightly care who ya are or where ya come from. As long as you keep the right folk alive and make sure the rest is dead, your OK by me. Up the river almost in the mountains is a small town at the base of a mine in the hills. Last stop its called. There ain't nothin much past it except rocks and the occasional bugbear wandering 'round in the snow. But last few weeks they been gettin hit by all sorts of nasty things. Wild animals coming into town, a few kobolds were seen and they say a troglodyte is up there somewhere too. On a clear day when the wind is right, all the dogs in the town go crazy with the stink. you head on up there and see what can be seen. If you make it back consider yourself a guild member. If not? Well... Just make sure you make it back alive."

Carl tosses a crude map and a small bag of 50 silver on the chair beside him, muttered something about travelling expenses, and walked off towards the old-timers int he back.

Last edited by Lefty on Sun May 19, 2013 10:27 pm; edited 1 time in total


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:10 pm

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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:23 pm

Shrugging my shoulders in indifference to master martins gruff manner, I pocket the silver and pick up the map. After studying the map for a minute I head for the town square needing rations for the trip. Unsure of how long it will take to get there I exchange the entire 50 silver for 10 days worth of rations, and begone my journey.


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:33 pm

The journey takes about a week and before too long you see a signpost which reads, "Last Stand, 1 Mile." As you stand there taking a breather you hear a rustling in the bushes to the side of the road.


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:44 pm

I ready my Starknife and shield and adopt a defensive stance, all while trying to make myself disappear into the landscape till I can discover the source of the noise. (Stealth check)


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:54 pm

As you back up, the scales on your mail clink and clang and no matter how much you try, you end up sounding like a silverware drawer being shook up.

The noise startles a creature out of the underbrush at your feet!



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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:56 pm

I attempt to take the initiate with a 6


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:21 pm

The creature, black with two white stripes running down its back and fluffy tail, cannot react fast enough to you and stands before you.


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:41 pm

(Seriously I'm going to be a stinking halfling?). I try to reduce my threatening ness and slowly back away letting the creature go about its business.


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:00 pm

The creature, seeing movement, readies its own natural defences and fires!

(make a Fort save)


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:13 pm

I hold my breath in an attempt to weather the affects of the toxic spray and remain calm and still. (18 fort)


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:21 pm

A sudden gust of wind tears down the road taking most of the scent with it. You still, however, feel rather sick (-2 AR, DMG, Saves, Skills, Ability checks). What do you do?


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:24 pm

I continue to hold my ground in hopes that the creature looses interest and returns to its daily activities


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:28 pm

The skunk takes a step back, and seeing no more sudden movements decides to make a break for it. In a flash of black and white it disappears into the tall grasses on the other side of the road. Silence descends upon the dusty trail. Do you follow the culprit of stench or go on?


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:34 pm

I venture a bit in the opposite direction before finishing the final mile to town


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:45 pm

When you complete your last mile, you come out into a clearing with a few simple structures. Past the large building in the middle you can see the foothills leading up into the snowy expanses of the mountains.

continuing on you pass few people, but those you do pass seem to have had little sleep lately. A sign hangs from the large central building reading simply, "Inn." A second slightly smaller sign hangs from the first reading, "Mayor." a third, obviously handmade sign is haphazardly tied to the bottom sign. After reading the simple description some disgruntled minor has written, you feel the earlier sickness coming back up and hurry past. What do you do?


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:47 pm

Upon entering I seek out the mayors office to get a better feel for what I will be facing once I get to the mines


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:56 pm

The barkeep looks up as you enter. "You lookin for the mayer? hes in the back.." and jerks his head toward the single door at the back of the room. No door graces this rudimentary structure, so you just walk in and see a skinny man in worn out clothes pouring himself another drink. He freezes as you enter then takes a step or two back.

"What? how'd you get in here? You're one of them! You're..." He stops and takes a few experimental sniffs of the air, barks our a harsh laugh and downs the drink in one gulp. The man turns back to you as he uncorks the bottle again.

"No that's skunk I smell. Darn that beast, I honestly think it believes its protecting the road. It sprays everyone coming and going unless you can sneak past it. so who are you and why are you stinking up my office?"


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:04 pm

I'm from Abitha and was informed that you have been experiencing some troubles as of late including kobolds and possibly a troglodyte or two.


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:12 pm

"yup, yup, that we have. dam beasts just came out of nowhere. One week we're a major supplier of the ironworks down in Dariyul, and the next we're afraid to leave our homes after dark. Its a dam shame." He takes another shot and falls into a fit of coughing.

When he recovers he looks at you sidelong . "There's been kidnappings too. Jack's boy and my daughter were out one night when they first came down from the hills. Haven't seen either of em since." He turns and stares out the window towards the hills and falls silent.


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:18 pm

How long ago was the kidnapping, and if it is at all possible could I get somebody to show me where they were last seen and which direction they were going. I know your iron is important too you but I'm sure you'll agree children are more so. I we are lucky these two problems will be related and we can remove this stench from your land. Now, if I could retire and attempt to solve my own aroma issue we can begin at first light.


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Lefty Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:22 pm

"Yeah whatever. I dont expect you'll find anything. Its been 2 weeks now. go talk to Mike at the bar and he'll set you up for the evening." By this point the poor soul has abandoned the cup and is taking swigs straight from the bottle.

Roll a perception.


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A boring story to begin with Empty Re: A boring story to begin with

Post  Unkykong Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:24 pm



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