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Cleaning House

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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Unkykong Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:11 pm

I react as quickly as possible, the local brew may have been stouter then I had realized....(7 reflex)


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Lefty Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:21 pm

A half empty mug comes sailing across the room and smacks you on the side of the head. (1 point of damage)


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Unkykong Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:24 pm

Grumble grumble, I shake off the damage and continue on my way, not wanting to get pulled into the fray.


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Lefty Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:27 pm

You make it to the end of the room. On that wall is a collection of chairs and tables stacked up and out of the way, likely used as replacements. Towards the corner is a stairway leading up.


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Unkykong Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:48 pm

I check to make sure Jasom is still with me. Then continue up the stairs.


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Lefty Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:07 pm

At the top of the stairs two armed and heavily muscled figures stand at either end of the only door down a short hallway.

"ooh the 'eck are yew?" one spits out in a heavy accent.


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Unkykong Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:56 pm

"I hear this part of the tavern is less prone too, umm, incidents"


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Lefty Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:58 pm

"Thats cause people dont comes up 'ere widdout bein asked. Ooh asked yew?"


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Unkykong Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:10 pm

"I met a fellow w that told me t meet home here, and I don't thing he is the sort to be hanging out downstairs"


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Lefty Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:04 am

"they's lots a people round here to meet. bug off." And with that both of them studiously ignore you while trying to look tough. Jasom laughs behind you.

"you guys aren't too smart are you? you really think that we should be kept waiting? do we look like we are drunks looking for a corner to piss? we came here to talk behind that door. but if you want to make us wait, thats fine with me, whenever the boss comes out and sees us waiting here i'll tell him its you made us wait. that'll be fun to watch." Jasom sneers and crosses his arms as he leans casually against the wall.

Dumble-dee and Dumble-dummer shared hasty glances and hesitated. Then one of them spit at your feet and disappeared inside. A few moments later he emerges, nods to his companion, and holds the door open.


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Unkykong Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:01 pm

I turn to Jasom before entering and say "well played sir, well played." Then I enter.

Upon entering I look around the room and make a general assessment of those in the room.


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Lefty Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:15 pm

To the back left of the room a table and chair support a snoozing man, bottle clutched loosely in one hand. Around the walls of the sparsely adorned room a few tables sit with accountants pouring furiously over books filled with endless sets of numbers and names. Besides that, though, a number of strong-arms recline on chairs or lean against the walls, fingering sword hilts or daggers and watching you two warily.

As you take it all in, one of the more flamboyantly dressed ruffians gets up and swaggers over to you. "so you're here to see me, eh? you want to clean the streets? start a cultural revolution?" rough laughter rumbles around the room like the storm about to break outside. the still unnamed speaker nods to the door. "I'm sure there's a mop downstairs, go set yourself free."


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Unkykong Thu Mar 07, 2013 2:41 pm

"Your jokes are not appreciated." I fix the most intimidating scowl my mangled face can produce(1....+14....15 intimidate) which at this point in time isn't that intimidating. All this in attempt to sway the conversation in our favor.


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Lefty Thu Mar 07, 2013 4:47 pm

the rakish figure smirks at you. "Neither are yours. this is our home. this is our chosen way of life. Who are you to tell us what to do and how to live?"


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Unkykong Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:48 pm

"Let's just call me a concerned citizen. I have found those who use luck for personal gain to be less then a benefit for the rest of society and I feel it only right that people not fear for themselves in their own homes and streets regardless of what time it might be."


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Lefty Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:26 pm

a slow halting laugh crawls its way out of the corner as a bottle hits the floor. the old man at the table turns and leans back against the wall laughing at you. You notice he is not so old and worn out as his first appearances may have let on. A tautness of his jaw and leathery qualities to his hands and forearms spoke of years of hard work, but the gleam in his eye and they way he seemed to inspect and catalog everything about you in a single glance spoke of more than mere time passing.

"So we have an idealist? Principles are harder to steal than purses, Maurice." The colorfully dressed rogue who spoke before backed away with an air of utmost deference and not a little awe as the old man stepped forward. Why do you follow your geas? what pushes you forward in the face of opposition to save the poor nice guy and hunt the big mean bully?" He ended by talking like a parent to a toddler and the room erupted in laughter.

"We dont kill everybody. We try to avoid murder when possible. dead men cant incur more debt. And its not like we force anyone to come in here. they are just like you, freely walking in. you want to clean the streets? go downstairs and tell them to stop drinking and gambling."
(dont forget to roll stuff)


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Unkykong Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:34 pm

(20 sense motive). (30 perception)


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Lefty Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:21 pm

(roll stuff like intimidate and whatnot. like answering the dude would be nifty.)

You see everyone in the room looking at you waiting for a reply. you sense that they are waiting for a reply. you feel compelled to reply and be witty about it. In fact, you hear Jasom shuffling nervously behind you as he also waits for a reply. From downstairs you hear all the voices of drunken stupor yelling in unison, "REPLY!"


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Unkykong Thu Mar 14, 2013 1:24 pm

"My beliefs are what make me who I am without them man are forced to follow others such as yourself. I seek the bully because those who are on e receiving end do not know there is a better way, they have not known freedom from their oppressors. And as far as going downstairs and addressing the crowd, I care not that they drink, and the gambling is only profitable for you. What if I do go downstairs and show them the strings that you hold, and point out the manipulation that holds them to their lot in life. What if they believe me, what will you do then?(29 intimidate)


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Lefty Thu Mar 14, 2013 2:23 pm

The old man considers you in a different light. after a few moments of pursed lips he nods. "Well what do you propose that we do? go back to hauling crates on and off the ships that come into port?" This time he did not get a chuckle from the now very attentive crowd. "And how do we know you're not just the next thug to move in? What proof do you bring that anything can change?"


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Unkykong Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:01 pm

"You look too be a man who has known hard work, why not work hard at making life better, for yourselves as well as those around you. Work together, not against one another. I can offer no garentees for the future, but fight the thugs as a group, there is strength in numbers. I do know that my beliefs that you so quickly will prevent me from becoming the next tyrant. I do recognized that hord work will not be as profitable, but you can use your hands to build something better, besides its therapeutic. (22 diplomacy).


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Lefty Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:08 pm

the kingpin, confounded by your spelling and grammar shakes his head to clear it. but he still shows no signs of hostility. "I must confess that I'm not a fan of this lifestyle. It haunts you at night on the very worst of days." He walks back to his corner seat and sits back down while grabbing the bottle from the floor. As he takes a long drink he notices you watching and smiles.

"water. got to keep a level head in this business, but can't appear too sober." He pushes the cork back in and leans back. "Ok then, convince me. 'fight in numbers and build something better' are all words. if you were in my shoes, and you're not, but just supposing, what would you do. Where would you start?"


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Unkykong Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:25 pm

"You seem to be a intelligent man, what does this town lack, what could it use? Find that and you have your answer. Use your skills towards that end."


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Lefty Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:04 pm

"Well the boys still need to eat and sleep. And some form of entertainment in their off time would be appreciated, dont you think captain?"

Jasom, slightly annoyed that he had been recognized and tongue tied now that the attention was on him quickly blushed. "Well yeah. The devil's hands are idle playthings. I mean idle hands... well bad things happen when sailors and dock workers get bored." One of the ladies on the side with more knives strapped to her than you thought possible made a kissy face at Jasom and he turned a deeper shade of red.

(shame on you for making me think up details! hehe jkjk, nice move)


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Cleaning House - Page 3 Empty Re: Cleaning House

Post  Unkykong Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:30 pm

"There are plenty of things too do, why not just that. Set up some form of positive entertainment going for the dockworkers to do after hours, something constructive. Bring out hobbies and talents that they may not otherwise get to exercise. You already have a pub to work with, why not expand that and have some music, knife throwing competitions, horseshoes and the like. That way they have something to channel their energy and frustrations out in a competitive manner that wouldn't consist of each others faces. "


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