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A good night's sleep

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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Lefty Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:48 pm

The kobold falls dead at your feet. The Troglodyte has nearly made it back to the house, and as you turn towards it an arrow blossoms in its throat in a spray of blood.

Miss Martha timidly steps out of the house stringing another arrow and nearly faints when she sees you. "Oh lordy I thought you was one of them. I got two more dead ones inside here, but I dont think this is all of 'em."

She looks up at the sound of a scream and sends another arrow flying over the well and into the window of one of the burning houses. Planting a foot on the troglodyte's head she retrieves her first arrow and glances down at you.

"How was that stew by the way? Its a new recipe."


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Unkykong Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:59 pm

"It was tasty, I prefer s bit of bit to my food, other then that...tasty!"

After replying to the surprisingly adept archer of a cook, I turn about to see where my blade and I can be of service next.


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Lefty Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:03 pm

The cook laughs at your stuttering and starts walking across the square. The situation remains as you first saw with men hauling buckets and 2 burning buildings.


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Unkykong Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:06 pm

I run to the nearest building and grab a bucket to help the townsfolk with putting the fires to rest.


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Lefty Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:19 pm

You get in line and begin the task of running back and forth to douse the flames. As the first house finally gets put out you hear yells and screams emanating from the blacksmith's shop beside the inn.


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Unkykong Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:25 pm

I hand my bucket to the nearest person, pull out my knife and head towards the commotion expecting a confrontations with some more of the local deziens.


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Lefty Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:30 pm

As you near the blacksmith's shop you see Mike running from across the square to meet you. He hands you a vial of something and says, "this might help. things are lookin grim for this town." And then jumps inside.

As you follow him in you see two troglodytes and a hyena clustered around the forge. One of the scaly creatures seems to be casting something and a wavy sphere is slowly taking shape in the coals of the forge.

A sigh of relief startles you coming from your left and you turn to see the half-orc, now uncloaked, cowering against the wall. "I couldn't hope to take them on myself, but now with you two here we should be able to stop whatever they are doing."

At the sound of his voice the hyena turns around and snarls at you and a Kobold pokes his head in from the back door. (initiative!)


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Unkykong Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:41 pm

I greet both mike and the half-Orc (10)


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Lefty Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:49 pm

The troglodyte casting the spell intensifies his fell muttering and raises his arms a little higher. (your turn, crappy init rolls lol)


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Unkykong Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:51 pm

I cast magic weapon. (+1 dmg for 10 rounds)


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Lefty Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:58 pm

The hyena runs up to mike and bites him. (AoO... attack of opportunity) Mike hits the beast with his club as it nears him.


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Unkykong Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:02 pm

As the hyena approaches mike I take the opportunity to attack it (20 for 4)


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Lefty Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:16 pm

The starknife leaves a nasty gash in the animal's skin.

A short curse from your left is followed by a flash of light. the ground in front of the half-orc rumbles and a giant centipede crawls out and heads towards the second troglodyte. The caster winks at you and smiles. "Not a cleric my friend."

the kobold moves to intercept the centipede. the centipede lashes out at the approaching kobold with a sickening sound as its pincers sink into the reptilian's body. The kobold retaliates with a failing spear thrust.

Mike smacks the hyena again on the head and it crumples to a furry heap.

the troglodyte casting the spell raises his scratchy voice to a near yell and bends back and forth as if in a trance.

(now go)


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Unkykong Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:34 pm

In an attempt to thwart what ever it is the caster is doing I "command" ( DC 15) it to flee.


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Lefty Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:58 pm

The caster hardly flinches and continues his incancations. You can vaguely see a land of flames and death beginning to take shape in the sphere.

The other troglodyte runs to the back door and yells outside.

the half-orc pulls out a cruel looking sickle and advances upon the kobold attacking the centipede. he swings and misses. the centipede, however, takes another chomp and finishes off the kobold.

A second kobold comes running into the room at the troglodyte's yell.

Mike takes aim and throws an object towards the kobold and troglodyte by the back door. the object bounces at the feet of the kobold and rolls to the troglodyte and explodes in a flash of fire. The troglodyte screams in pain, but the poor kobold has no chance to respond and falls down a charred corpse. you hear a short shriek from outside, but then nothing more.

the casting troglodyte lowers his arms and voice then slowly backs away from the now complete portal. a small fiery creature crawls out of the hole before it pops closed and screams in rage before goring itself on the doomed troglodyte caster. (your turn)


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Unkykong Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:06 pm

Encouraged by my fellow combatants success and angered at my own failure I growl at the newes arrival to the field (31 intimidate)


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Lefty Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:17 pm

The imp pauses its feast and gives you a long calculating glare.

The nearly burnt troglodyte runs toward the centipede in a fit of rage and attacks. With devastating precision it pierces the centipede in the side and drops it. The half-orc swings its weapon and the troglodyte falls down dead on top of the curled up insect.

Turning, the green one points at the imp and a ray emits from his finger bathing the devious denizen in a sickening light. The imp retches once and readies itself.

Mike downs a vial from his belt and begins crossing the room towards the fiery creature, club in hand.

The imp meets him halfway and tries to bite Mike, but cannot muster the will to succeed after the double assault he has received. Mike smacks at it as it meets him and misses. (your turn)

Last edited by Lefty on Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:24 pm; edited 1 time in total


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Unkykong Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:21 pm

(The imp that fell over dead was a troglodyte correct.) I attack the devilish imp with my Starknife (15 for 4)


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Lefty Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:31 pm

(lol good call...) As you run up the imp tries to bite you and fails. Lucky for it your blade also misses its body.

Another eruption throws rock and dirt around your feet as another centipede rolls into the fight, opposite from you. As it takes position behind the imp Mike rears back and lays the smack down on the infernal creature, aiming for a bash it in the head. But the nimble creature flutters to the side on its wings of fire and retaliates with a devastating bite. Mike screams in pain and drops his club. Falling to his knees he cradles his sundered arm and shudders as he begins to feel less nimble. (your turn)


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Unkykong Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:36 pm

In a desperate attempt to help my fallen comrade I attack the infernal beast. (12...)


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Lefty Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:59 pm

your desperation renders you no more successful than before. The centipede seems to share your luck as its pincers find only empty air.

Mike, however, seems to find new strength and downs another potion while grabbing a dagger from his belt. The imp, seeing the potion go down, tries to take the opportunity to get another bite of tasty human flesh, but fails. It then turns on the centipede and misses another bite. (your turn)


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Unkykong Tue Feb 12, 2013 4:14 pm

Taking a deep breath in an attempt to find my center and hopefully a little success, I attack again.(14 for 4)


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Lefty Tue Feb 12, 2013 4:56 pm

you miss. the centipede also fails its bite. Mike, however delivers a stabbing blow to the imp's side.

Writhing in pain, the imp misses another attempt on the centipede.

Before you can react, an arrow comes whistling through the air above everyone's heads as a female voice lets out a stream of the most foul words you've ever heard. (your turn)


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Unkykong Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:08 pm

Smiling as I am continued to be impressed with the town folks ability to cope with the outlandish events transpiring, I attack gain (11 omg. I'm bringing a d20 to work with me tomorrow)


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A good night's sleep - Page 2 Empty Re: A good night's sleep

Post  Lefty Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:49 pm

The attack goes wildly off target. The centipede fails another attack and hangs its mandibled head glumly.

Mike downs another potion and suddenly grows 3 feet taller. With a roar he swings his broadsword sized dagger and slices through the fiery being with a violent motion. While the imp is struggling to keep airborne an arrow whistles over your head and into the center of the creature.

Mike turns on you and starts threatening with his dagger. "I gave you the potion for a freaking reason you hairless excuse for a dwarf! What good are you if you cant take hints? ya drink my ale and sleep in my bed and I'm about to clobber you!" he raises his massive arm, but before anything can happen Miss Martha jumps in between the two of you.

"You put that damned thing down Mike! How long has it been since you raised a weapon against someone? That's the whole dam reason we came out here. Mayor's gonna be pissed..." and with hands on hips she stares the barkeep down.

With a grumble Mike shuffles out the back door, kicking one of the two doors clear off its hinges. A frightened and badly burned kobold tries to make its escape, but gets plucked up off the ground and it and Mike disappear into the treeline behind the town.

Turning to you Martha sighs. "i'm sorry about that. he's usually a real nice guy, you saw him earlier in the inn. But when he gets in the thick of things he looses a part of himself. He'll be better in a little while. come on, the last of the fires are out." And with that she walks back outside.

Before you go, however, you realize there's a presence at your back, something dark and foreboding. turning quickly you see the centipede cowering behind you in attempt to not be seen by the hulking bartender. you surprise it and it lets out a squeek of fear and runs on its hundred legs out the window and into the darkness.


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