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Rock and stone, leaving home

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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Lefty Sun Jun 16, 2013 1:27 am


Three weeks of rain.  By the fourth day the conversation had died down, but by week two even the pack mule looked depressed.  day was a bleary gray and night just turned a deeper shade of depression.  Water was everywhere.  There were no dry clothes, just less-wet clothes; no dry food, just kind-of soggy; and fire was a joke.  It was a daily struggle to have a pipe or two, you learned to smoke with your hand over the bowl both letting air into the embers and keeping water out.  [+2 to stealth while smoking]

After the second week of wetness sanity began to unravel.  Spells per day were quickly changed to anything involving wind or fire, but the lack of a clear night sky was beginning to make Pondscum twitch.  

Shirin, however, seemed completely at peace with the dismal grey.  She talked less, to be sure, but the overcast gloom and darkness seemed to put her at ease.  It was even possible at times to catch her whistling as she sat under the occasional tree wringing out the next day's clothing.

But as with all things, this was not to last.  As you neared the seaside bluff that was the dwarven upper city, the smell of smoke began to permeate the air.  Two days out you began to see the glow of fires at night.  the next day the skies parted.

That morning after an initial scout the camp was struck, the mule loaded, and the path resumed.  But as you drew closer to the designated point of entry on the map you began to see abandoned foxholes and the occasional dwarf or goblin corpse rotting in the trenches.  In fact, the farther you go the more and more you grow aware of the sound of battle.

At about 2 hours after noon you come to a cliff and the party halts to rest.  You peek over the edge and see an epic battle waging below you between the stalwart dwarves and a wave of green and brown bodies.

"Who in Grunyar's beard are you?"  the voice behind you sounded like gravel falling down a hillside.  You turn to see a heavy and particularly well-used axe hovering over your head ready to come crashing down if you give the wrong answer.

[feel free to insert a 2nd toon or take one of these over for yourself (not pondscum)...  you might get another party member this chapter.  if its too much trouble with your setup u can call and talk me through things or offer general guidelines on what u want]


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Unkykong Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:09 am

"I am seaeak foechuckle and these are my companions. We came here to see if you've had trouble with troglodytes, but goblins are just as bad"


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Lefty Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:08 am

The axe came down, slowly though and not into your head.  "Aye goblins.  They aren't so bad, its the orcs as really give you the workout."  He offers you a hairy hand shakes yours vigorously.  "Well not my enemy is my friend.  Yodentaag Hammerhead, son of Yuri Hammerfists, son of Balchaek the Hammer.  At your service."

Turning he waves at his companions as they keep a wary eye on the hillside for any sign of green.  "That there be Keplin, Zeplin, Helga, Una, and me brother Varshtook Hammergut."  Helga and Una spared a brief moment to batt their eyes at you, but Varsh just smiled and waved without looking over.

"Well I suppose you've got a story to tell.  Lets hear it."  You open your mouth to begin the already well rehearsed speech you've been telling anyone who will listen, but Yoden keeps talking.  "This evening after we've cleared the field.  LETS GO!"  With a yelp of glee the band of dwarves leaps over the hillside and charges into the nearest band of nasties they can find.

[walk away or roll initiative]


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Unkykong Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:12 am

"This should be fun" (24 init)


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Lefty Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:11 pm

As you follow the dwarves over the hillside you see two main groups of goblins, one closer to you and one further up the valley floor towards the main keep. Keplin and Zeplin fly into a rage and race each other towards the farther off group and are followed by Helga and Pondscum.

Before you can follow, however, the closer group sees you coming and they surge after you. One pauses to give a long blast on a rams horn before entering the fray. Three of the goblins make it to your group with one hanging back notching an arrow and the horn blower trying to catch up. Your thirst for battle propels you to the front of the group and you ready yourself to cast the first strike.

[GO! sry its been a while. I think I bit off more than I could chew with all these npc's, so I found some premade char sheets and I'm gonna kinda fudge a little... Very Happy I'll be posting all this weekend. and cleaning a lot... Leela has fleas and now the apartment does too...]

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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Unkykong Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:51 am

I roll my shoulders in anticipation of a good work out then raise my Starknife to the heavens and cast instrument of agony.


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Lefty Fri Jul 12, 2013 12:16 pm

The goblin nearest you takes a swipe at you with his cleaver and misses horribly. From the corner of your eye you see Una make it to your side and raise her axe. The poor goblin screams as the axe head bites into its shoulder. An arrow whistles over your head and you hear cursing from the goblin archer as it notches another arrow.

on your other side Yoden rolls into the thick of things swinging a hand axe and short sword. He steps up to the wounded goblin and misses with one but hits with the sword. A dart of acid streaks between you and Yoden to finish the poor creature off. You hear a happy gigling coming from Shirin as you turn to the next threat.

The goblin with the horn pulls out a javelin and lobs it hitting Yoden. With a snarl of rage Varsh, Yodens brother, sprints to the javelineering goblin and knocks it over. The last two goblins make it to the fray and while the first misses, the other one lands an almost devastating blow to you dealing 7 damage.

Your turn.


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Unkykong Fri Jul 12, 2013 1:06 pm

I grit my teeth and bear the pain as I brandish my weapon and vocalize my rage. In the process I cast blistering incentive. (Intimidate 31)


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Lefty Tue Sep 03, 2013 2:05 pm

All of the goblins except the archer scream and cower in fear from your mighty roar.  Laughing, Una leaps to the pinned goblin Varsh knocked over and strikes it once to put it out of its misery.  Her laugh is cut short, however, when an arrow glances off her swarthy breastplate and digs into the rocky soil.

Yoden turns from the dead goblin and makes his way to the two who entered the fight late.  One goes down to a twin hit from axe and sword while the other turns and begins running in terror.  Varsh, unpreturbed, turns and launches a dagger at the poor thing, but loses his balance and neatly slices his finger open.

"Give it up girl.  There's hundreds more where it came from and they'll be here before too long.  You'll get your bloodlust."  You turn to see Una grasping a raging Shirin across the shoulders.  But as the goblin disappears over the hilltop the girl seems to calm down.  

"Fun lot them goblins eh?  Well we've got a fair number of clerics inside, and a fair amount to eat too, I'm starving."  At the mention of food, Keplin and Zepplin appear from the side, followed by a weary looking Pondscum and Helga.


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Unkykong Wed Sep 04, 2013 9:53 am

"Food and sleep would be welcomed after our travels. Will we have much time before the next attack?"


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Lefty Wed Sep 04, 2013 2:19 pm

Behind you a toothy grin breaks out as a bloodied hand reaches for a broken war horn. ponderously the dying goblin grasps the horn and slowly drags it to his lips. "No my friends..." a death rattle sends a spray of blood from his coughing lips. "your time is almost over! My pet will answer my call!"

Before he can bring the horn to his lips, however, the last dregs of life are stamped out of him by Varsh as he stands on the creature's neck. "Silly things don't know when to..." You turn around to see the blood drain from his face as he backs off the goblin and reaches for his weapons. Following his gaze you see the last rays of the sun vanish. "we might think about getting indoors soon. I don't like the looks of that cave being opened up.

what you took for a boulder on the other side of the valley breaks in two and one half rolls to the side. A stench wafts out over the group and a rocky laughter comes gurgling out like gravel falling down a hillside.

At first, all you see is a nose. A massive wart on the side oozed puss and swarmed with flies, but soon other features became apparent. A mouth with too many teeth made of granite and iron grinned its way out of the shadows followed by two big floppy ears. You almost missed the two beady little eyes as they stared their way through a comb-over of moss and hair.

The entrance to the cave crumbled a bit as the creature squeezed out of the hole and stretched itself out to his full height of nearly 16 feet. Staring at the group, it gave a gutteral roar and charged, drool flapping in the wind behind it.


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Unkykong Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:58 pm

I grumble to myself as this (roll 13 knowledge to determine if I know what it is and it's weaknesses might be) creature comes at me then raise my Starknife to the heavens and beseech Desna to Bless us. (Cast bless)


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Lefty Sun Sep 22, 2013 5:11 am

The monstrosity rears back for a killing blow at you, the closest of the combatants. As it swings both warty and stinking paws at you, time seems to slow. As if in a dream you look upwards as the two palms come together in a squashing blow at your head.

The stars never looked so bright. Even on the fateful night of your scarring, after the storm clouds parted and Desna herself looked down on you, no, that night holds no comparison to this. You can pick out the big lasso and the smaller one. You can see Cayden Cailean's belt and his mighty rapier. The sword of Saranrae stands out to the west... but it is being slowly cut off...

Star by star the sword disappears as the monstrous hands close in on your sure and unwilling fate. Pinnacles of light slowly recede from Cayden's majestic belt. As you feel the tugs of death's embrace close around you, your last memory is the image of your upraised starknife perfectly aligned with Desna's knife in the night sky.

Your last thought is surprise as these stars grow brighter as the others wane.


You awaken in a black room. You are lying on a bed of black, clothed in black robes, and holding your own blood-stained starknife. As you rouse and sit up, you notice a shimmer in the cloth around you. Dark as it may seem, the room, indeed the very clothes you wear and you yourself seem to radiate light into the blackness.

"How many times has your luck been tested?" The voice comes from everywhere and nowhere at once. It radiates command and an immortal presence... but it feels as if the speaker is trying to withhold laughter. "Come forward that we may test it once more."


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Unkykong Fri Sep 27, 2013 3:47 pm

"um... I hope by testing my luck means I'm not dead." I say as I step forward as requested.


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Lefty Tue Oct 08, 2013 11:36 am

"Tell me, sir Foechuckle, why are you here?" the voice wafts faintly from all directions. The stars shimmering in the blackness come together before you and a raven haired woman stands where they converged. She stands tall and proud, a worn but well cut cloak draped over her shoulders. Underneath it you can catch glimpses of battle scarred leather armor and the glint of a star knife on her hip. "Why are you on this journey?"


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Unkykong Tue Oct 08, 2013 2:47 pm

"It is where my path has lead me. I am driven to help those in need because that priest was there for me when I needed help."


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Lefty Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:07 pm

"That's it? You're driven to pay back some kind gesture that happened how many years ago? And do you really think these dwarves need help? They've been fighting for decades off and on, you just saw them in action, they're fine."


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Unkykong Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:32 pm

"I will admit, it is not my only motivation for helping others. It is my Primary motivation though. Power, glory, and riches all float in the back of my mind as I take on a new adventure."


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Lefty Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:35 pm

"But yet you've engaged in at least two business ventures. Wouldn't those have been impossible without this journey you're taking?"


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Unkykong Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:39 pm

"It is true, that those ventures would not have been possible with out the riches I've acquired during my travels. The establishments I start will benefit those in the areas where they are established, providing jobs and an alternate to the unsavory things people find themselves doing without a decent place to go."


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Lefty Fri Oct 11, 2013 2:50 pm

"So you really are just in it to change the world. You're a rare fellow. But then again, I guess it is all about the destination isn't it? why journey if not to go somewhere right?" the figure draws back eyeing you expectantly.


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Unkykong Fri Oct 11, 2013 3:34 pm

"I would disagree, though the final destination could be a reason to strive forward, I have no idea where my path is leading me. I enjoy the steps in the journey as they are taken. Once a destination is reached, don't most talk of the path they took?"


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Lefty Fri Oct 11, 2013 4:02 pm

soft laughter floats around you as the figure chuckles and draws near again. "no true follower of mine would put the destination ahead of the journey." leaning down she straightens your collar and brushes off your shoulders, very motherly-like. "Now, wake up."

You close your eyes and when you open them... you're still standing in the dark room with Desna.

"Wake up!" nothing happens. Smiling, the goddess raises her arm. "Cantrips... haven't done one of these in years. Create Water!" As she thrusts her hand at you a wall of water appears between you and slams into your face.

You sit bolt upright gasping for air, water streaming off your face. "Oh good. You've woken up." Una kneels near you with a now empty bucket of water. "you should try gambling, your luck is sure better than mine."


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Unkykong Fri Oct 11, 2013 4:08 pm

I cough a bit getting the water out of my lungs, then reply, "yeah, about gambling... Mind filling me in on what just happened. I have a feeling how we remember the events that just transpired are slightly different."


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Rock and stone, leaving home Empty Re: Rock and stone, leaving home

Post  Lefty Sun Nov 03, 2013 2:08 am

Una points to your left. "see that big rock there? see the arms sticking up? Yeah, that was your nemesis about to make mashed potatoes out of you." She looks up and you catch a glimpse of dwarven awe for the great unknown sky. "Lightning came down. Just out of nowhere. Why us dwarves like to be underground..." She stood there staring up at the mountain side from whence came the boulder until Yoden grasps her shoulder.

Aside from the club made of earth and stone, you find little on the bodies strewn about the battle site. The dwarves, encouraged by such a battle, are giddy with the thought of a few hours respite. Pondscum and Shirin, however, seem exhausted.

After no less than 7 dwarven checkpoints, you come upon a cavernous expanse filled with bridges and elevators spanning thousands of yards.

"This then, is the sight you've been waiting for."

Varsh fidgets then bursts out, "We got guests Yoden. This then, is the sight for which you've been waiting. Always to battle, never to grammar..."

Yoden glares daggers at his brother then turns to you. "Well this here be home." A quick glare silences his brother. "Take and eat, we got work on the morrow. I'll send word to me Da that we got visitors. Hope its important." Before you can reply the dwarven prince is gone, leaving you to the newly found friends you met on the battlefield.


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